Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Muang Ngoi - Heaven in Laos...

A beautifull little fishing village tucked away on the banks of river Nam Ou.
Nowadays, Muong Knoi has facilities to accomodate travelers but it's all very basic and I honestly hope they can keep it that way although one can tell that slowly slowly the progress is creaping into town. It is a rather magic place: there are no mobile networks access, only one public phone, no internet and electricity only from 6.30pm till 9.30pm. It is so peaceful that one goes to bed before 10pm and at 6am you can't stay in bed anymore because you are no longer sleepy. You wake up to the roasters and the fishing boats and feeling fresh!
Just like back in the day in my granny's village.

Feeling fresh at 6am??? what's wrong with you, Miguel..? Nothing's wrong... It actually feels great!
No sex, no drugs, no rockn' roll! hmmmmm...

Shared a bungallow with Flo.
Flo, 24, german cheff, worked in Australia as a cheff for a year, has travelled the world, is now travelling asia whislt his girlfriend is travelling india only... Interesting... A highly sociable character who I had the pleasure to make friends with. We had a laugh!

chatting away with a view...

The village itself has one main street with little convenience shops, food stalls and accommodation for travelers.

and some village pets that are fed by everybody... Rafeiros, por assim dizer!

Lao Coke and buffalo

Off that main road, one end ends up in bushes and the opposite end gives place to a Budhist Pagoda, so we went for a check as it seemed empty... All one could hear was bloody insects.

abandoned to the dogs under the tropical heat...

and since we are so nosy...

the kitchen... seems like everybody dropped everything on a rush and left...

Hmmmm... something moving... who's that..? A Dutch national team supporter... And there's another one..? Is Holland playing today..?

In fact... all this time, we were being watched...

So nosy Miguelito had to check the view was from up there!

The young aprentices were on their own and could not speak one word in english and were very shy...
But they welcomed us!

They were studying and we tried to learn something but is just impossible. The way they write looks like Einstein's hair on a bad hair day!

They got very curious about us but they couldnt comunicate so we took a few pictures and they got very excited watching themsleves and kept asking for more...
we spent good 30minutes 'socializing' with the humble aprentices.
One can feel that the tentacles of the western world haven't spread far out here into their pure brains yet... See how long it lasts that way...


About one hour walk inland from Muang Ngoi is the village of Ban Na, even more remote. So we decided to walk there under the humid torrid heat... Why not? We arranged to walk together with Jasmine and Kai, the german couple, but we got behind with the visit to the Pagoda.

Sabaidee!! (hello in Laos)

a apanhar verdemã pa ir à pesca!! querzuquéim!!

One hour later and as we aproached the village, the dense vegetation gives place to rice fields (out of season), where the cattle gathers and feed. At the far distance, the camuflaged roof tops stand out of the bushes. We know we are getting closer, I can feel the smell of the buffalo's dung (shit)...
I analyse the dung carefully just to learn that the herd is comprised by 6 males and 47 females. I feel it, I smell it, I rub it on my skin, I taste it... I am sure 12 females are pregnant... There must be some cocks near by too... Roasters I mean...

Returning home from his hard labour...

As one arrives to Ban Na village, it feels like going back in time and freeze. People live in the most simple way and you feel they are going to live like that for a long time to come. Out there, there are no supermarkets, no mobile phones, no nail varnish, and they don't quite seem to miss them... No Obamas, no Gordon Browns, no Cavaco Silvas.
They live by the day... and smile!
They live in comunity and help each other, asuring that everybody as access to the basics.
Of course, they have seen a few whites before and they will only see more and more in the future. We were told by the german couple we crossed on their way back that they were a little suspicious towards the westerners and could be a bit disturbed with the fact we were sort of invading their territory. So we walked in very cautious...
We walked in the village with a big smile and greeted every villager we walked pass with a happy 'Sabaideeeeeeee!!'
That was it! That was all we needed to crack open a smile and a reply from each villager. And they turned out to be indeed very friendly!

Hairdressing sessions

she wanted one of my bracelets...

so she got it!!!

Family portrait.

Look at the granny standing proud!! It's not every day she gets her picture taken...

We finished our visit to the village with a 'footvolley' challenge with the youngsters. They play this bamboo made ball with their feet over a net, similar to footvolley but slightly different rules... 3 on 3. I was on one team, Flo was on the other side. We plaied for about half hour. My team win!! Caaalaro!!
Isto nem a feijões meu menino!! Mas eu ia lá agora deixar um alemão bater-me..? Naaaah!!!

At night, not much to do. Lights off at 9.30, xixi cama.
The next morning zee germanzz decided to leave. The 3 of them... Tom, the Dutch has already left the day before. Somehow, again I was a bit said to see them go as we shared a good vibe.

But not me... It was not my time to go yet... I promised myself i would stay there for 2 good days rest... So we had breakfast together before they go! How romantic...

But most of all, Miguelito still had one mission to accomplish before leaving this magic place...


...Fishing with the locals!!!


  1. Hó Miguel ! aquilo é um bife de Bufalo ou é a bosta do Bufalo???? e tu conseguiste comer? Adorei estas fotos e não me consigo imaginar viver nem que fosse 8 dias nessa aldeia, o que mais gostei foi das crianças, que rostos tão lindos, será que elas sabem quem é a barby ou uma playstation? Boa pescaria . beijinhos

  2. Colaço...aposto que no footvolley pensaste logo no teu amigo! Ainda bem que não estava presente...ficava logo desiquilibrado!eheheh

  3. Amazing, just amazing ... Well done. I wish i could be there too cousin. The people, the culture, the landscape, the experience, i don´t know, i guess everything...
    Um grande abraço do primo Zé Manel.

  4. Ó primão esses é que sabem viver, sem stress em comunidade sem discussões e coisas que ao fim ao cabo não fazem falta para viver:)))E saúde não lhes deve faltar :))
    Vais sair dessa viagem outro :))
    A pescaria foi boa?

  5. As crianças são realmente lindas e sempre com um sorriso estampado no rosto :)))
    Resumindo ..são felizes :)))

  6. Man you are an excelente photographer

  7. You are not going to speak all time about this journey only for the next months after you are back but all your funking life maaaaan

  8. sexy miguelito in his wet underwear

  9. A nobreza de se ser simples. Linda a aceitação pelos monges e pelas pessoas da tal aldeia desconfiada com os estrangeiros. Que pena não haver pulseiras para todas.
