Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Not quite Asia yet...

Well... Just before Asia and as I should be preparing and focusing on the route eastwards, a sudden new route turned up, but way opposite: southwest! More preciselly... Brazil. Jiu and Ed live there and invited me over. Been there twice but never to Rio de Janeiro. And always had this 'dream' of be part of the biggest show on planet earth (so they say): Rio de Janeiro Carnival! So let the show beggin...

World famous Praia de Copacabana / Copacabana Beach!
Great energy, specially when the sun goes down: Everybody comes out to the 4 miles long Calçadão, portuguese word for the pavement that runs along the beach extension, where inumerous people come out for sweat and more sweat. You run, jog, cycle, skate, rollerblade or do any awkward sport, as long as you poor some liquid out of your skin pores. Or you can play beachsoccer, footvolley, frescobol (rackets), volleyball. Its intense calories burinng every dusk. Healthy people!
Theres music, theres people on splanades, theres people selling stuff, etc, etc...
The Calçadão owes its name to the tipical portuguese calçada, a form of pavement with portuguese origins. Check it out!

(view from Pão de Açucar, Sugar Loaf)

Brazillian apetizer. A sexy Brazilian word for bum... No mather what size or shape they are everywhere... And don't take me wrong, this ain't be me being a pervert, this is C-U-L-T-U-R-A-L. Don't we love it??
And there's the odd bikiny vendor... I'd say, they are good value for money!

...over Praia do Pepino, or 'Cucumber Beach', lol.
What's that? Hanggliding over a beautiful beach? hmmm... Why not..?

Glidders take off a platform on the top of Pedra Bonita, Bonita Rock, by Pedra da Gávea, Gávea Rock, that raises at 700m high off the ground.
It looks like a tit actually... ooops, sorry... a nipple...

Off he goes...

Show Time!!!

Check out Favela da Rocinha (Rocinha Slum) on the background, the biggest Slum in Latin America with over 100.000 people...

Or officially, Estádio Mário Filho (Mario Filho Stadium).
The world's biggest football stadium, once held over 200.000 fans. Not anymore, tho can still hold 90.000 people!
So Miguelito got tickets to watch semi-finals of Guanabara Cup, between 2 of the biggest rival teams from Rio: Flamengo x Botafogo.
Matter of pride... Battle of Blood!

Got sick on the day of the match and the camera ran out of battery... Great!
This is the only shot available. But I can asure you the feeling is hyper-extra-vibrant with all the brazilian fans shouting and samba beating and chanting 'El Louco é veaduuuuu!!' (El Louco being the nick name of this particular player, Veado meaning faggot)

At Mangueira Samba School and Morro da Mangueira
Was getting desperate as the day was getting close and Miguelito had no carnival outfit yet. So got a cab in the night and ask the driver to take me to Mangueira School to try my chance.
Met Beguinho, my friend who took me into the Favela (Slum) to introduce me to the lady responsible for the sale. It was night then and was pretty intimidating being amongst some tough nothing-to-loose slum residents. But soon got comfortable and business was made.
The following day went there to collect it, but just to find out I couldnt do it because my foot was too long and shoes had to be costume made... So went to the Favela again...

dark room where outfits where kept...

Morro da Mangueira

Into the Favela

Mangueira head quarters and school pavillion

O Dia da Feijoada!
Feijoada day is the last big meeting of each samba school before the big show.
People gather in the school and eat Feijoada and dance to samba beats. Everybody has a huge smile. The drummers come out and the vibe and feeling are beyond comprehension. I got emotional...


Mestre-Sala e Porta Bandeira, 2 very important elements of a samba school !
The drummers on stage at the back!

Tears or Sweat!

Motto of Mangueira based on its colours: Green and Pink

The Bid Day!
Behind scenes, getting ready for the Sambodromo, avenue where samba schools display their colours, music, alegoric cars and happyness!

With elements of the Bateria, drum team, Fred and Cris.

Our sector getting ready! Ala dos Gatões e Gatinhas Impossíveis.

Wow! Will she make it fit..?
Size is not an issue!

Rodrigo, Herbert and Miguelito getting ready! whooooooooo.

Meu coraçãããooo, é Verde e Rosaaa!!

Yeah, yeah!!! Looks a bit too suspect i know... pinky and stuff... Hey, its not like i had the choice... but I had the F-u-n!!!

Sambodrome, officially knowed as Avenida Marquês de Sapucaí!

Ladies and Gentleman: Estação Primeira de Mangueira!!!!

Our sector coming behind this car!


Right there!!! There!!! Can't you see it?? C'mon!! There, look!!
Ot try this link to find Wally, its a clearer picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/selusava/4367301842

Uncontrolable vibration! No words can describe it...

UPDATE: The photo bellow was taken and provided by Sergio Luiz, brazilian photographer. I never met Sergio in person but a friend showed me this photo on Sergio's work. I made contact with Sergio and he kindly mailed it to me. Thank you Sergio.
And to check more of Sergio's work go to: http://www.selusava.fot.br/

The following day: Arrasou!! Meaning Samashed it!!! Nailed it!! A-mazing...

Pô cara!!!! Mais tu vai vendê ou num vai vendê??? Vende logo essa pôrra!!

Friends and people who spiced up my stay! To all of you, thank you very much... You are in my heart!

Beguinho, father of 11 (!!!) works his heart out to Mangueira and made it possible to me...

Roni Falcão (Falcão means Hawk, and is his surname not nickname), hangglidding instructor 50 years old, girlfriend 16...

Wesley (Roni's little helper at the back) and his old Fusca (old VW),that made the way to the top of the launching point painfully slowly but possible...

Herbert and Ricardo, brothers in arms!

Mattias, Militar Policeman who taught me a piece of history about the arches behind him and... sold me his own amateur album of Brazillian Gospel for 10 reais. He wanted 15 but i replied he was robbing me...

These guys... Brazillian call them gringos! For making the beach a bit more colourfull...

Axel, for barking in the mornings not letting me sleep and shitting by the door of my room every single day...

Big Julio!! Carioca puro!! Taxi driver, but more then that, my good mate now, for driving and showing me arround, often not charging me... And for stealing what was mine!

And last but not least...
Ed and bela Jiulyana, for having me and putting up with me coming in and out!
Special kiss to Jiu for being my friend for the last 10 years...

Rio de Janeiro, A Cidade Maravilhosa!!

P.S. - I did go for cultural visits too... but pictures are boring if you where not there, hence why not posted here. So feel free to request some if you are really really reeeeally interest. Think twice...


  1. Primo , Primão :)))) Maravilha está lindo o blog...igual a você né?!LOL
    Agora sim na foto do link é a prova q estavas no Sambódromo...ali dá para ver q és mm tu..confessa...a quem pagaste para apareceres mm de frente?!Pontaria...lol
    A foto da Asa Delta ....maravilha e a q o Falcão vai passar a tirar com tds os turistas 'faz de morto' ...
    Continua a deixar aqui as tuas aventuras... são e vão ser mtas ;))
    Beijão mto grande lindo
    ;)) Boa viagem nas terras do Oriente...não venhas com os olhos em bico..lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Seu puto!! Acabei de ver isso... Ahahahaha, deu saudade...

    Beijos meus e do Ed!! Ah, e o Axel mandou um latido...rs!!!

  4. Amigo, finalmente um registro dessa nossa passagem espetacular pela Sapucaí!! rsrsrsrs!! Simplesmente incrível as imagens da Asia!!! Acho que em Julho tô em Londres, jah vai ter chegado?

  5. Nice one Miguelito I can see you take good care

  6. Bet it was the trade winds that took you there
